Urban & Landscape

Frederiksbjerg School

LYTT Architecture has designed the play and learning areas connected to the award-winning school building, Frederiksbjerg School, that opened in 2016.

The design of Frederiksbjerg School is based on recognised science and experiences that physical activity and the opportunity for diverse play are of great importance for children’s well-being and development. The indoors spaces melts together with the multiple outdoor spaces and unfold on the large, publicly accessible roof terraces like floating stairs down to the open spaces at ground level. The relatively small site for the large number of children and the many desires for the outdoor spaces have required multifunctional outdoor spaces and utilisation of the large roof areas, with multi playing fields for ball games and places for stays. Facing Ingerslev Boulevard there are two special squares: the “School Square” that leads into the building and provides opportunity for stays in front of the school’s café and the “Mountain Square”, which is a large sloping surface that provides access to the building’s large roof terraces and creates an informal podium for stays facing the boulevard with its many activities as, for example, the “Marked Square”.  The new school with affiliated institutions (kindergarten and after school care) is not just a school, but also a gathering place for the neighbourhood’s inhabitants. They are invited into this recreational play universe that excites the curiosity and the senses with keeping of animals, fire ring, kitchen garden, rainwater management, self-builder mentality, urban areas with a range of fields for cycling, running and ball games etc. Thus, the area buzz with life regardless the time of day.  In 2016, the project was elected Årets Skolebyggeri (School building of the Year) and Årets Byggeri (Building of the Year) and was awarded Aarhus Kommunes Arkitekturpris for Nybyggeri (Aarhus Municipality’s Architecture Prize for New Build) in 2017. 
Udformningen af Frederiksbjerg Skole bygger på anerkendt forskning og erfaringer om, at fysisk aktivitet og mulighed for forskelligartet leg har stor betydning for børns trivsel og udvikling.  Inderummene smelter sammen med de mange uderum, der folder sig ud på store offentligt tilgængelige tagterrasser, som flydende trapper ned til opholdsflader på terræn. Den forholdsvis lille grund til det store antal børn og de mange ønsker til uderummene har krævet multianvendelige udearealer og udnyttelse af de store tagflader, hvor der er multibaner til boldspil og opholdsmuligheder. Mod Ingerslev Boulevard findes to særlige torve: ”Skoletorvet”, der leder ind i bygningen og giver mulighed for ophold foran skolens cafe, og ”Bjergtorvet”, der er en stor skrånende flade, som giver adgang til husets store tagterrasser og etablerer et uformelt sydvendt opholdspodium ud mod boulevarden med dens mange aktiviteter, som fx Torvemarkedet. Den nye skole med tilknyttede institutioner (børnehave og SFO) er ikke blot en skole, men et udadvendt samlingssted for kvarterets borgere. De er inviteret indenfor i dette rekreative legeunivers, der vækker nysgerrigheden og sanserne med dyrehold, bålplads, nyttehave, regnvandshåndtering, selvbygger-mentalitet, urbane områder med en række cykel-, løbe- og boldbaner og meget mere, og derfor summer området af liv uanset, hvornår du krydser igennem.  
Projektet er i 2016 kåret til Årets Skolebyggeri og Årets Byggeri, og det har vundet Aarhus Kommunes Arkitekturpris for Nybyggeri.
Årets Skolebyggeri (School building of the Year) 2016 
Årets Byggeri (Building of the Year) 2016 
Aarhus Kommunes Arkitekturpris for Nybyggeri (Aarhus Municipality’s Architecture Prize for New Build) 2017 




Aarhus Municiplaity


2012 - 2016




20.000 m2


DKK 240 mio


Henning Larsen Architects, GPP, NIRAS and Hoffmann
  • Application for fonding
  • Application for fonding
  • Application for fonding
  • Application for fonding
  • Application for fonding


New exciting outdoor facilities with more up-to-date areas that can offer a framework for differentiated play and stay options. Climate protection to avoid the accumulation of rainwater. Client: Copenhagen Municipality